Work created in tandem with Embry-Riddle Prescott's flight curriculum coordinator to go on the Flight Department's Canvas page, which is where flight students can access course curriculum and more.
The first icon represents student's flight availability, or when they are able to be scheduled by their instructor pilot or DPE.
The second icon is the shuttle schedule, which shows what the current operating schedule is to and from campus and the flight line.
The third icon is for students to register for their FAA written knowledge tests. This icon features an Arizona sectional, a CX-3 flight computer and E6B flight computer, all of which are FAA approved testing materials.
The fourth icon is for peer counselors; who students schedule for tutoring sessions regarding ground school and practical portions of flight training. This icon features the VG diagram (velocity versus g-loading of the aircraft and load limit factors) as well as a tiny toy plane that counselors and instructors often use to demonstrate aerodynamic principles and more.
These icons were made in Affinity Designer for the iPad.