I have been a concept artist on Twin Atlas's "Creatures of Sonaria" title since its inception. My most memorable concepts are below! There are additional T-posed versions that have been shown primarily to our dev team, if you would like to see these please send me a request through my contact form (this goes for anyone, even those interested in creating fan models, I'd just like to see the end result). I also have created various textures for the game, including the "Mush" and "Tikit" icons, and recently the new logo!
Creatures of Sonaria has a TV show in the works being produced by Wind Sun Sky studios, best known for the Prime video series "Invincible".

"Creatures of Sonaria is a survival game within Roblox created by Sonar Studios. The game takes place in a world filled with exotic creatures fighting to survive, meaning Winder's experience in the galaxy far, far away could be a good fit." — IGN

Adharcaiin Original Concept Art

Norskogg Original Concept Art

Nakamaska Original Concept Art

Jotunhel Original Concept Art

Moemoea Original Concept Art

Diemarjla Original Concept Art

Kaluaka (Vin'Rou) Original Concept Art

Astrothi Original Concept Art